Sunday, August 29, 2010

Band 4 Hire

CD-r's that we sold/traded/gave away on 8/28/2010 at The Basement Gallery
1. huge pupils
2. tush
3. reptile
4. birdbathashtray
5. laylas hips
6. emilys family
7. love concussion
8. self made man
We made 12 of them

Big thanks to Keith Kim Rachel Tommy Bahama Spermwhales Shy Violet Prom Concussion Conor (for giving us your friends beer money) Yaple (for puking) and everyone that we met and and everyone that we didn't meet.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Upcoming Shows

118 Main St.
Nyack, NY

Like the flyer says, if you're a fan of metal you need to be at this show. That's why we're going.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

First Post, First Demo, First Blood

Recorded Live on May 29th, 2010

Enjoy & Destroy